
Skin care

European Facial

60 mins
$ 130

Give your face a refresh. A gentle cleanser gets rid of surface impurities and oils, while steam and exfoliant smooths away rough, dead skin. A mask continues the purification process for your pores, and a facial and head massage allow you to slip away into relaxation. Moisturizer and sunscreen complete the treatment.


Mature Skin Facial

60 mins
$ 130

Turn the clock back. Diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines with this intensely rejuvenating facial. A deep triple cleanse and exfoliating scrub combines with a powerful active serum and youth-boosting facial massage. Your skin is instantly refined and firmed, leaving you with better defined facial contours and a supple, soft complexion that radiates with a renewed glow.


Body work

Swedish Massage

60/75/90 mins
$ 130 / $ 155 / $ 180

Melt into well-being. A fluid massage of long strokes and soothing rhythms sends you into a state of relaxed bliss.


Deep Tissue Massage

60/75/90 mins
$ 130 / $ 155 / $ 180

Release tension where you need it most. Targeted, deep pressure re-energizes tissue with fresh oxygen and removes complex knots in the muscle fibers. Especially good for treating specific areas of the body.


Restore your health from the top down. This alternative treatment technique is very similar to osteopathy and physical therapy. Based on the idea that the craniosacral system – including the brain, spinal cord, and cerebrospinal fluid – is directly related to overall health, craniosacral therapy is non-invasive and uses gentle palpations on your skin in order to restore health, reduce pain, and increase resistance to disease.

Craniossacral Massage

60/75/90 mins
$ 120 / $ 140 / $ 160


Turn up heat to turn down tension. Hot stones are integrated into a full body massage. Strategically placed, the stones' heat penetrates muscles to help them relax while stretching muscle fibers and improving circulation.

Hot Stone Therapy Massage

60/75/90 mins
$ 120 / $ 140 / $ 160


Strengthen your life force. Reiki is a Japanese stress-reduction and relaxation technique that also promotes healing. It is administered by the "laying on of hands" and is based on the idea that an invisible "vital energy" flows through us and is what makes us alive. If a person's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed - and if it is high, we are more likely to be happy and healthy.

Reiki Massage

60 mins
$ 125


Balance your system. A clinical approach to applying essential oils along energy meridians and visceral contact points of the back and feet helps balance your body's sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. As part of an integrative medicinal and therapeutic regimen, you'll reduce physical and emotional stressors and support a healthy autonomic system.

Aromatouch Massage

60 mins
$ 125


Honor your body. Women's physiology undergoes many dramatic changes during pregnancy. A thoughtful, gentle massage improves overall well-being and addresses your special needs, from stress reduction to improved circulation.

Prenatal Massage

60 mins
$ 130


Be swept into a tropical paradise. A luxurious coconut cream massage detoxifies while deeply moisturizing every inch of your scalp and body. A coconut foot and hand scrub smooths rough skin. Rich in vitamins, coconut stimulates cell growth and repair, protects against free radicals, and restores your skin's natural glow.

Luxurious Coconut Massage

60 mins

$ 130


Achieve balance and boost skin tone. Bamboo is known throughout the world for its healing and balancing properties. The deep pressure of the bamboo cane combined with a lymphatic drain massage rids your body of cellulite-causing toxins while improving overall muscle tone and skin appearance. This treatment is perfect for those who prefer a deep massage.

Body Contouring Bamboo Massage

60 mins
$ 150


Emerge relaxed and energized. The refreshing properties of cucumber and melon combine in a cream rich in potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, B and C during your full-body Swedish massage. A bamboo stick reflexology session for your feet follows.

Refreshing Cucumber & Melon Reflexology Massage

60 mins
$ 130


Restore your youth and vitality. With anti-aging properties that rejuvenate the skin, the Brazilian açai berry is rich in minerals, potassium, antioxidants and omega fatty acids, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and E. A dry brush to remove all dead skin starts the treatment, followed by an invigorating açai foot scrub and scalp massage. A full body massage then eliminates all stress and tension.

Açai Scrub & Therapeutic Massage

60 mins
$ 140


Slim down and tone up. Get in on a therapeutic combination of techniques and products that Brazilian women have been keeping a secret! A deep, contouring lymphatic drain massage detoxifies and pushes fluids out of the tissue where cellulite rests to give an instantly slimmer appearance. Conclude with an upper-body rose hip seed oil massage that leaves your skin firm and smooth.

Brazilian Anti-Cellulite Treatment

60 mins
$ 160


Indulge in ultimate relaxation – our most popular massage experience. Enjoy a Dead Sea mud and essential oil back treatment. While the mud does its magic, your hands and feet receive a Brazilian bamboo stick massage. The mud is then removed, and a therapeutic full-body massage rounds out the indulgent experience.

Dead Sea Mud & Bamboo Fusion Experience

75 mins
$ 160

